About Us

Mission: To improve the socioeconomic status of women and protect children’s rights in Sudurpashchim Province.

Vision:      Self-reliance of women and prosperity of children.

About us:   Established in 2004, Women Empowerment and Child Awareness Nepal (WECAN) is a nonprofit organization that focuses on women empowerment and child development in the Sudurpachim Province of Nepal. We achieve our objectives by promoting health, education, environment conservation, reproductive health and economy, interconnected core issues that affect women and children’s well-being.

Our approach

  1. Raise public awareness of gender equality, gender-based violence, and children’s rights.
  2. Promote environment-friendly agriculture and animal farming, vocational training specifically among disadvantaged women.
  3. Raise awareness of reproductive rights, and the importance of education and health
  4. Provide scholarships to orphans and children from financially constrained families.
  5. Support orphans by providing shelter and care.